5G Radiation Exposed, What You Need to Know
The rollout of 5G is well underway with antennas now saturating most populated parts of the country. It’s only a matter of time until this higher frequency 5G radiation is literally everywhere.
The rollout of 5G is well underway with antennas now saturating most populated parts of the country. It’s only a matter of time until this higher frequency 5G radiation is literally everywhere.
Hey kids! The latest trend: Pulsing your brain with microwave radiation 24/7. Don’t worry it’s completely safe and if you do get brain cancer then it won’t be until another 20+ years later.
Welcome to 2019 where 98% of TVs sold emit microwave radiation. This radiation can travel 30 meters – even further from your TV. Most also radiate even when turned off.
The rollout of 5G across Australia and the rest of the world is now in full swing. Transmitters are being installed at an alarming rate further exposing surrounding communities to even higher levels of microwave radiation. This is on top of the already existing 3G and 4G infrastructure.
Biological effects begin at low levels In 2011 AC magnetic fields were evaluated as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) by the World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This was based on the statistical association of higher-level residential ELF magnetic fields and an increased risk for childhood leukemia.
EMFs otherwise known as electromagnetic fields affect our lives on a daily basis. Why would you get your home tested for EMFs though? Let’s take a look at the top 5 reasons why.
As if the ‘smart meter’ roll-out coudn’t have gotten any more ridiculous. We’ve seen states such as Victoria make them ‘mandatory’. Forced onto you whether you want one or not…
The awareness of EMF’s is growing year by year and many are looking to get their home checked and/or protected. Unfortunately a large number of people also get caught up in purchasing ‘junk’ EMF protection. It’s truly the wild west when it comes to protection products and the amount of disinformation I have come across […]
Cell phones are undoubtedly one of the top sources of RF radiation exposure in our lives. The general consensus is – as long as you’re not right up close, then it’s fine. This couldn’t be further from the truth…
Radio frequencies (RF) otherwise known as microwave radiation are one of the most common electromagnetic fields that are saturating our environment today. These frequencies are used by wireless devices such as cell phones, WIFI, Bluetooth and even radar, microwaves and the cell transmitters sitting atop those towers.