2024 EMF Protection Clothing Guide

2024 EMF Protection Clothing Guide

In this guide you’ll learn everything about EMF protection clothing. I’ve been both using and testing EMF clothing protection for many years.

I’ll get you up to speed on what it is, how it works and what to look out for when purchasing it.

Elevate Your Well-Being with Cracking the EMF Code: Your Key to Revealing the Invisible EMF Threat

What is EMF Protection Clothing?

This is a special type of clothing worn to protect the wearer from radiofrequency / microwave radiation.

The main concern being non-native RF emitted by cell towers, 5G, wireless devices, radar systems and WiFi.

The clothing is available in all forms including underwear, jumpers, shirts – even hats and shoes. The main goal being to protect the wearer when they’re out of the home environment.

EMF protection clothing is becoming very popular amongst those looking to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, it’s the only EMF protection that I recommend to my clients for when outside or in the car. More on that shortly…

Microwave radiation (RF) exposure has continued to increase year upon year. This is due to the dramatic increase in cellular base station sites and wireless technology use.


This type of radiation exposure has been classified as a class 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization.

To counteract any negative effects, many health aware individuals have adopted EMF protection clothing as a practical and proven protection strategy.

Unlike many EMF protection scam products sold on the market, shielded clothing is a proven and well established mitigation technique.

Its effectiveness can be tested and verified by anyone using a radiofrequency EMF meter. This is critical for any product claiming to protect you against EMFs.

EMF protection clothing is not only used by the health conscious, but also by experts working in and around radiofrequency radiation.

How Shielding Clothing Works

Firstly, it’s important to understand that EMF protection clothing only protects you from radio frequency (RF) / microwave radiation.

It will not protect you from the 3 other non-native EMFs of concern:

  • AC magnetic fields
  • AC electric fields
  • Dirty electricity

EMF shielded clothing is made up of a silver woven material.

Now what happens is… when the radiation from a cell tower (for example) hits the clothing, it gets reflected straight off it.

The clothing I use myself actually attenuates (shields) more than 99% of the radiation. An excellent achievement!

However, not all the radiation is reflected off it. A small amount (usually 1% or less) may pass through the material.

Some of the radiation may also jump conduct onto the clothing itself, then radiate off it – more on that in a moment…

When to Use Protection Clothing?

I only recommend its use for when you’re away from the home. For example when you’re outside, at the shops or in the car.

This is because back in the home we’ve got those 3 other EMFs that I mentioned earlier. The clothing won’t protect you against these.

We use very different mitigation strategies for RF radiation inside homes. This is important to understand:

  • Inside we’re always eliminating the radiation from its source or using mitigation strategies such as field manipulation.
  • When inside, the clothing may amplify electric field exposure around the body.
  • There are 3 other harmful EMFs in the home that the clothing will not block.

If you’re looking to get protected from EMFs inside your home, you’ll want to use the techniques, strategies and engineering hacks explained in the EMF Protection Protocol.

EMF protection clothing is perfect for the following environments. I’ve put them in order of highest to lowest importance.

  1. When driving – some of the largest exposures are experienced in the car. Not only from the wireless systems, but also from the cell towers and base stations. Often they are located at traffic light intersections where you are stopped for several minutes right in direct firing line. To make matters worse, the radiation bounces around in the car because of the metal frame.
  2. Walking the streets – In built-up areas you’ll no doubt see transmitters on rooftops, even power and light poles. High exposures can be experienced. Shielded clothing is advised.
  3. On the beach – On popular beaches I’ve noticed 3, 4 and 5G transmitters pointing directly towards where everyone is sun bathing / swimming. It’s not usually an issue on beaches with low density residential zoning.
  4. In shops – The main exposures here are WiFi, wireless systems and other people’s cell phones. EMF protection clothing will counteract all of these.
  5. In nature – lucky last. When in nature your RF exposures are likely to be low. Especially if you follow the conditions outlined in my EMF sensitivity test.

How I Use EMF Clothing Protection

As many of you know, I’m an electromagnetic radiation specialist and testing technician. At times, I’m often put into precarious positions.

I had a job, just the other day, a cell tower assessment. This was testing the radiation from 3, 4 and 5G transmitters up on top of a residential building.

Beautiful location. Right on the beach… just stunning.

I was up on the rooftop testing the radiation in different areas for my client. Some parts of the assessment were off limits to the public, and this was right up where the transmitters were.

There’d be a few spots where I would have to jump up on top of the roof right in front of the antennas

Definitely some really high exposures there, especially if not protecting yourself.

On a job like this, I always wear my EMF protection clothing. It helps to shield me from significant exposure that may harm my health.

I also try to wear the clothing when driving as this leads to some of the highest RF exposures.

Where Shielded Clothing Won’t Protect You

RF radiation is the EMF of most concern when outside. This is why EMF protection clothing is so highly recommended for outdoor use.

However, as you know the clothing will not protect you against AC electric fields, AC magnetic fields or dirty electricity.

These fields are not usually common outside, although it’s important to know where they’ll be present.

AC magnetic fields will go straight through the shielded clothing, even your body and solid walls!

These low frequency EMFs are present around:

  • Street distribution power lines – highest when walking underneath.
  • Buried power lines – usually below road-side footpaths.
  • Transmission power lines – the huge power lines on metal structures where elevated levels can extend out several hundred meters.
  • Substations – sometimes located outside (electrical grid structure) or within buildings. Look out for the high voltage warning signs.

So when around these, the clothing is not going to help. There is no known personal protection that will shield against AC magnetic fields.

When it comes to the 2 other EMFs of concern; AC electric fields and dirty electricity, they’re rarely present outside.

You’ll mainly be exposed to these when around power lines. Particularly transmission power lines where electric fields can extend out to 100m or more (328 feet).

Shielded Clothing’s Downsides

There are a couple of downsides worth mentioning when it comes to shielded clothing.

Firstly, it is actually quite warm. In summer on some jobs, I’ve found myself getting fairly hot wearing it. So, if you’re in a cooler climate area, perfect.

That’s one minor set back to the clothing.

Now, for the biggest downside. And a lot of people aren’t talking about this…

The clothing can jump conduct the radiation sometimes. This is usually depending on the frequency of the radiation.

What can happen is, if you’re outside and receiving radiation exposure from a cell tower (for example). Some of that radiation may jump onto the shielded clothing and radiate off it.

This is because it’s conductive. Instead of it all being reflected away from you, a small amount may radiate off the material itself.

How much radiation that radiates off the material is usually quite minimal. Depending on the level you’re being exposed to of course.

If you weren’t wearing the shielded clothing then you’re going to be getting significantly higher exposures – even with jump conduction going on.

So I always recommend clients to wear it then not. You’re much more protected.

What to Look Out For When Buying Shielded Clothing

When looking at different clothing that’s available, you’ll usually see an attenuation rate advertised. This is usually rated in decibels (dB).

If you don’t see any ‘attenuation rate’ then I would advise to not purchase the clothing. The level of protection is unknown.

I always recommend my clients to purchase clothing that’s at least 30 decibels, or higher. Obviously, the higher the decibels, the more shielding capability the clothing has.

Anything lower than 30 decibels – I don’t recommend.

However, shop around and you’ll be sure to find t-shirts, hoodies, even hats and pants that will shield that 30 decibels or more.

When it comes to washing the clothing, there are some manufacturers that recommend to only wash using their own washing detergent.

One such example is Le Blok’s SilverCare Washing Powder.

However, I haven’t had any bad effects with just washing it with a gentle natural washing detergent. So you may just want to use a gentle natural detergent.

A lot of the more chemical based, harsher washing detergents, may affect the silver within the clothing.

The shielded clothing I have is more than three years old now, and I’ve washed it more than 20 times. It appears to have lost little to no shielding capabilities.

And I’m just using a natural washing detergent. Not sold by the shielded clothing manufacturer.

Ultimately, the manufacturer’s washing detergent will likely be best when it comes to keeping the clothing’s attenuation rate. This is because they’ve no doubt tested it extensively with the clothing they sell.

What is the Best Shielded Clothing?

I get asked all the time. What shielded clothing I use.

I personally use as I find they offer the best protection for the price. They are a great company based out of Europe.

I’ve also extensively tested their clothing with my professional grade RF equipment from Gigahertz Solutions.

What are you doing to protect yourself from EMFs outside? Leave a comment below.

Up Next:

What is EMFs? 7 Things You Need to Know

What is EMFs? 7 Things You Need to Know